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Male Kiwi Tomuri (Actinidia deliciosa)

Male Kiwi Tomuri (Actinidia deliciosa)

Normaler Preis €19,90
Normaler Preis Angebotspreis €19,90
Sale Ausverkauft
inkl. Steuern Shipping wird an der Kasse berechnet

Delivery time: 5 - 7 days

For garden, balcony and terrace

Greens fences, trellises or pergolas and bears sweet, vitamin-rich kiwis every autumn.

With Kiwiri variety guarantee

Kiwis directly from the grower - with a variety guarantee for a successful harvest.

Hardy to -12°C

Kiwis (Actinidia deliciosa) are hardy to -12°C and only suitable for particularly mild locations (e.g. wine-growing area, house wall).

DHL GoGreen

Fast and secure shipping with DHL GoGreen - free shipping from 75,- (DE).

Our male pollinator, Tomuri, is suitable for pollinating our tropical kiwis (Act. deliciosa) Jenny, Hayward, and Kivite. It produces male flowers for fertilization, but no fruit.

Alle Details


Art Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Sorte Tomuri
Alter (bei Lieferung) ca. 2 Jahre
Größe (bei Lieferung) 80 - 100 cm
Pflanzzeit ganzjährig, außer bei Bodenfrost
Bestäubung Bestäubersorte for up to 6 kiwis (Actinidia deliciosa) within a radius of approx. 25 meters
Blütezeit Mai
Blüte / Ertrag jährlich, ab 4. – 6. Standjahr

Standort & Pflanzung

Lichtverhältnisse halbschattig bis sonnig
Winterhärte bis -12°C
Boden säuerlich-humos (z.B. Rhododendronerde)
Wasserbedarf moderat, Wurzeln feucht halten
Düngung Kiwi-Dünger
Wachstum Kletterpflanze, Rankhilfe erforderlich z.B. Gartenzaun, Spalier (Kiwiri RANKI™), Pergola
Pflanzort im Außenbereich (Garten, Balkon, Terrasse)
Pflanzart im Boden oder Topf (ca. 40 l Volumen)
Wurzelsystem Flachwurzler
Empfohlener Pflanzabstand 1,0 – 2,0 m


Erntezeit Very late ripening time (November)

Actinidia deliciosa


This tropical fruit has found its way into gardens and supermarkets around the world thanks to its exotic taste and healthy ingredients. The kiwi plant originally comes from China.

However, due to the special climatic conditions, New Zealand and South Tyrol have established themselves as centers for cultivation.

Learn more

for successful cultivation


The cultivation of tropical kiwis is possible in selected regions of Germany.

Particularly suitable are wine-growing regions where there are no late frosts in spring and temperatures do not fall below -12°C.

Instructions: Planting

Hardy and robust


Kiwi plants are extremely disease-resistant and tolerate pruning. They only require regular watering and, in nutrient-poor soils, fertilization.

Kiwis can be pruned twice a year to encourage flowering and thus yield.

Instructions: Pruning



To produce fruit, female flowers must be fertilized by male pollen. Fortunately, insects, primarily bees, take care of this for us.

All they need is a male kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) nearby.

Show male kiwi

Family tradition

Our kiwi nursery

We've been cultivating kiwi plants in our kiwi nursery for over 40 years. We support hobby gardeners and farmers in their cultivation and ship our plants throughout Europe.

Our nursery team is always available to answer any questions you may have about our plants.

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