• Werner Merkel

    Werner Merkel began breeding and selecting kiwi berries back in the days of the GDR. In his family gardens, he developed varieties that are now known worldwide. His enthusiasm and dedication played a significant role in making kiwi berries well-known in Europe.

  • Richard Hamann

    As a child, Kiwiri founder Richard Hamann was introduced to various wild fruit varieties from his grandfather Werner Merkel's garden. He continues his work, running the Kiwiri kiwi nursery and touring the world as a sought-after expert on the kiwi berry.

  • Kiwiri Team

    Our team consists of six kiwi enthusiasts and passionate gardeners. We are united by the goal of making it possible for everyone to grow their own kiwi berries. Whether through kiwi berry plants with a variety guarantee or through personalized advice for hobby gardeners and farmers.

From Saxony to the world

International Kindergarten

At our experimental plantation, we examine the characteristics of new kiwiberry varieties. Varieties from all over the world are brought together here and evaluated for robustness, flavor, and appearance. Only the best kiwiberries make it into our range.

Further kiwiberry varieties are selected with state institutions such as the State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture in Bavaria.

Discover our kiwi berries

The Kiwiri partner network

Plantation cultivation

Together with our Kiwiri partner network, we grow organic kiwi berries throughout Germany – naturally only our most aromatic varieties.

We leave the further processing to the professionals, so our hand-picked kiwi berries meet the fruit press, jam manufacturer, winery or distillery.

Discover our food