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Kiwiberry Issai - Minikiwi (Actinidia arguta)

Kiwiberry Issai - Minikiwi (Actinidia arguta)

Normaler Preis €19,90
Normaler Preis Angebotspreis €19,90
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Delivery time: 5 - 7 days

For garden, balcony and terrace

Adds greenery to fences, trellises or pergolas and bears sweet, vitamin-rich kiwi berries every autumn.

With Kiwiri variety guarantee

Kiwi berries directly from the grower - with a variety guarantee for a successful harvest.

Hardy to -25°C

Kiwi berries (Actinidia arguta) are hardy to -25°C, extremely robust and suitable for almost all locations.

Instructions and advice

Discover our guide to growing kiwi berries or contact our nursery team using our contact form .

DHL GoGreen

Fast and secure shipping with DHL GoGreen - free shipping from 75,- (DE).

Conditionally self-fertile, female kiwiberry (Act. arguta) with green fruit skin, green flesh and a medium ripening period (beginning – mid-October).

This partially self-fertile variety, with its compact growth, is ideal for balconies, terraces, or gardens with limited space. The Issai typically bears flowers and early fruits in its first year.

Alle Details


Art Kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta)
Sorte Jesse
Alter (bei Lieferung) ca. 2 Jahre
Größe (bei Lieferung) 80 - 100 cm
Pflanzzeit ganzjährig, außer bei Bodenfrost
Bestäubung Bestäubersorte recommended for larger fruits and higher yield
Blütezeit Ende Mai – Anfang Juni
Blüte / Ertrag jährlich, ab 2. – 4. Standjahr

Standort & Pflanzung

Lichtverhältnisse halbschattig bis sonnig
Winterhärte bis -25°C
Boden säuerlich-humos (z.B. Rhododendronerde)
Wasserbedarf moderat, Wurzeln feucht halten
Düngung Kiwibeeren-Dünger
Wachstum Kletterpflanze, Rankhilfe erforderlich z.B. Gartenzaun, Spalier (Kiwiri RANKI™), Pergola
Pflanzort im Außenbereich (Garten, Balkon, Terrasse)
Pflanzart im Boden oder Topf (ca. 40 l Volumen)
Wurzelsystem Flachwurzler
Empfohlener Pflanzabstand 1,0 – 2,0 m


Erntezeit Medium ripening time (beginning of October)
Fruchtfleisch green
Fruchtschale green, edible
Fruchtgewicht Small (5 – 8 g)
Aroma mild, sweet with slight acidity

Actinidia arguta

Kiwi berries

One of the outstanding characteristics of the kiwi berry is its exceptional flavor. The fruit combines the sweetness of a gooseberry with the tropical, fresh acidity of a kiwi.

Instead of traveling halfway around the world like kiwis, you can grow them yourself. In your garden, on your patio, or on your balcony.

Learn more

for a good start


Kiwi berries need to be kept outdoors in both summer and winter. They prefer a partially shaded to sunny location. Since they are climbing plants, they require support (e.g., a trellis, pergola, or garden fence).

The soil should be slightly acidic and able to retain water well so that the roots do not dry out.

Instructions: Planting

Hardy and robust


Kiwi berries are extremely robust, easy to care for and hardy to -25°C.

They don't require any special care, just regular watering, pruning as needed, and fertilizer. Winter protection isn't necessary.

Instructions: Pruning



To produce fruit, female flowers must be fertilized by male pollen. Fortunately, insects, primarily bees, take care of this for us.

All they need is a male kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta) nearby.

Show male kiwiberry

Vitamin C booster


Despite their high vitamin C content, kiwi berries offer a balanced sugar-acid ratio. They are also rich in antioxidants and fiber, making them a great addition to a healthy diet.

Kiwi berries can be kept for several weeks when refrigerated and for several months when frozen.

Instructions: Harvesting and Storage

Family tradition

Our kiwi nursery

We've been cultivating kiwi plants in our kiwi nursery for over 40 years. We support hobby gardeners and farmers in their cultivation and ship our plants throughout Europe.

Our nursery team is always available to answer any questions you may have about our plants.

Write us a message